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If everyone who watched Reality TV donated just 1 month of what they pay streaming services, we could solve this issue. Forever.

Reality TV Cast members have put their lives out there for you.

Don't you think it's time to give back?

Your donation will be used for:

  • Helping cast members understand their legal rights by providing legal resources

  • Giving cast members the mental health tools to successfully navigate reality TV production pre and post production

  • Educating the public on the reality of the industry by exposing the exploitation & providing a safe platform for cast members to tell the real story

  • Partnering with labor rights and industry advocates to change the industry so that we can finally break the cycle of abuse

The UCAN Foundation is committed to transparency.

A full accounting of every dollar donated will be made available to the public on a regular basis.

The UCAN Foundation is incorporated in the State of Delaware and is obligated to operate in full compliance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in accordance with Article III of The State of Delaware Certificate of Incorporation For Exempt Corporation. We are awaiting official 501(c)(3) approval which is expected shortly. 

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